Tag Archives: baking

Weekend Work


Well, despite the kiddos failure to nap well, having my husband home for the weekend always allows me to get a lot more done during the day. This past weekend was no exception. I was able to:

Bake 3 doz “paleo” chocolate chip cookies – about half of which the husband already ate, the other half is frozen for later

Bake a dozen coconut cookies – these were not a hit and went straight in the garbage!

Make homemade grapefruit jello (delicious)

Start broccoli and cucumber seeds – indoors of course. Red Pepper will come later this week when I cut into the one I have for jerk chicken

Transplant my Jasmine bush that had outgrown it’s pot

Take the babies and the dogs out for a long walk in the woods – by far my favorite way to get exercise!

Row 15-minutes on Friday

I didn’t get everything done I wanted to but I feel pretty good about the progress. What did you do?